Virtual Me:
Another personal vision
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Concept: "Personal EU health"
Although the real-time truth about our body, down to its innermost core, is always with us, we hardly have a clue of what is really going on there.
As the pandemics of the digital decade have already quickly enlightened us internationally, it would be time for us to learn lifelong health care from a completely new proactive personal perspective.
In that, everyone's own body with all its layers and their individual details would be in the center at every moment, so that every unhealthy deviation would immediately show its cause and risk.
The European Union, as an enlightened and multicultural citizen-centered community struggling with aging, would be a natural pioneer of this new level of healthcare.
Citizen's lifetime updateable "Virtual Me"
as the center of all healthcare:
as the center of all healthcare:
In the "Virtual Me" vision, our increasingly technology-oriented healthcare would be based on a personal chip that is "vaccinated" under the skin after birth.
It would act as a continuous sensor for key body functions and would also be updated at every health center and doctor's visit and other health event throughout life.
The Virtual Me would appear on the monitors as an anatomical self-image developing on a timeline. You could also slide in it layer by layer: from skin to muscles, organs, nerves, bones - and to details where you could see the interaction of different levels on a micro level.
The Virtual Me would act, grow, and develop like a person in general - and automatically get unique features from all your health and fitness metrics throughout your life:
your gender
height and weight
blood group
the whole spectrum of blood values from blood tests
vision values
hearing values
respiratory values
heart functions
blood pressure
brain functions
oral conditions from the dentist
influenza with medicines and their effects
first aid and stitches
bone fractures and breaks
surgeries with aftercare
pimples, tumors
surgeries with after-effects and medications
fitness and its effects
physiotherapy with effects
medicines with and without a prescription
nutritional values and health effects of food habits and supplements
measurement results from own smart devices
self-care measurements
signs of age
hospital treatments
My list tentatively aims to describe what would make this "Virtual Me" so relevant. You can already see high-quality virtual bodies online that can be rotated, viewed in layers, updated on a timeline, and even downloaded for free.
Updating reality to such an image is a clear and compact challenge for the homo sapiens experts of the artificial intelligence-assisted information society. It could also be developed as "the most important game in the world", and invite the best game developers to major programming workshops.
A target group of eight billion people is quite a fascinating potential. And our own European Union is ideally compact for system development. Promoting health and vitality around this model should be fairly streamlined and cost-effective.
You can think of it as a multi-layered human internal GPS traffic map. The task would be to make everything there work smoothly and safely.
As far-fetched as it sounds, I hope that everyone working in healthcare, fitness, and mental health and its direction, as well as their offspring in the software industry, would see this vision and ask themselves and each other how to be passionate implementers of the game—and how.
The more widely we start discussing "Virtual Me" as the engine of our health care, the more naturally we will make the whole PPPP (Politic-Public-Private-Person) cooperation together want and implement it.
So tell all EU-level projects about Virtual Me and try to develop interaction between them.
Outline for the "Personal EU Health" concept
I. Introduction
A. Overview of the current health awareness and challenges
B. Importance of proactive personal perspective in lifelong health care
C. Role of the European Union as a pioneer in innovative healthcare solutions
II. Concept of "Virtual Me"
A. Definition and purpose of "Virtual Me"
1. Integration of personal health data through technology
2. The personal chip as a lifelong health tracker
B. Benefits of continuous monitoring of key body functions
1. Early detection of unhealthy deviations
2. Personalization of healthcare based on individual metrics
III. Structure and Features of "Virtual Me"
A. Visualization of health data
1. Anatomical self-image on a timeline
2. Layered view of the body (skin, muscles, organs, etc.)
B. Comprehensive health information tracking
1. Personal details (gender, height, weight, DNA, etc.)
2. Health metrics (blood values, vision, hearing, respiratory, etc.)
3. Medical history (surgeries, treatments, medications, etc.)
4. Lifestyle factors (fitness, nutrition, self-care measurements, etc.)
IV. The Role of Technology in "Virtual Me"
A. Advancements in virtual body representations
1. Interactive models available online
2. Use of AI and software development in health tracking
B. Potential collaboration with game developers
1. Engaging the community through gamification
2. Creating a multi-layered health map as a "game"
V. Implications for Healthcare and Society
A. The impact on health promotion and vitality
1. Streamlined system development within the EU
2. Cost-effective solutions for health monitoring
B. Engaging various sectors (healthcare, fitness, mental health, software industry)
1. Building a passionate community of implementers
2. Encouraging discussion and collaboration on "Virtual Me"
VI. Future Vision
A. Potential for broader discussions on health and technology
B. Importance of the PPPP (Politic-Public-Private-Person) cooperation
C. Call to action for EU-level projects to develop and interact with the "Virtual Me" initiative
VII. Conclusion
A. Reiteration of the significance of a proactive approach to health
B. Encouragement to adopt the vision of "Virtual Me" for better healthcare outcomes
C. Invitation to engage in further dialogue about implementing this innovative health strategy
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