"This vision puts people at the center"
Would the Union leadership like to
include the Personal EU concept
in the Digital Decade program?
include the Personal EU concept
in the Digital Decade program?
The Presidents of the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council signed the agreement "European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles" 15 December 2022
The promise "This vision puts people at the center" gives, in "Personal EU language", quite directly an idea of direct support for the implementation of high-quality citizen-centricity during the Digital Decade -2030.
The almost 400 million EU adults of the digital decade should get a clear message that we have an important gathering today (and every day) in the central square, on the EU website europa.eu!
Give us the Personal EU TeamFinder to prove the Union's people-centricity.
The Personal EU teams need a toolbox to enable essential progress.
We need a secure @country.eu email address when updating our passports (Compatible with MyData?)
Let's synchronize together the levels Political - Public - Private - Personal on the route map and create a common goal spirit between all levels
Let's launch together a lot of Personal EU MeetPoints: European Union to the corner square
Let's start by investing in the Personal EU TeamFinder, e.g. 1-10 €/citizen
1. In the EU's digital decade, more than 400 million people to know that they have an important meeting in the central square today!
The website www.europa.eu should be the central square of the digital decade's European Union. It should be able to collect everyone from all our places under one multicultural understanding. From here, a shortcut should lead to your sector, your locations, your projects, your dreams, you.
Perhaps the most important challenge of the digital decade is to wake me and all of us almost 500 million EU citizens - regardless of our role in the union - to realize our personal union-width and the unique daily reason to come to our new kind of me-centered social media - the homepage europa.eu .
I should understand that here is my union-wide team, my keys to the future, meaningful social media for me, a way to move things forward - and at the same time a snapshot of what I am an essential part of.
The reason to come to europa.eu today is maybe just one click away at the edge of the square, maybe in a meeting 2 blocks away - close enough and with my logic and language easy to find anyway.
The Personal EU idea is so important that skipping it makes the entire citizen's central square a secondary address among addresses.
However, now we are implementing citizen centric thinking for 500 million people on the mandate of the Digital Decade program. We all understand and want it when we see it there.
Of course, with logical thinking, even without the Digital Decade program, it would be possible to structure the main levels in this spirit, remembering the PPPP.
Among all the goals of the Digital Decade, the idea of europa.eu as a Union-wide social media center for team activities also offers new challenges for the search and findability development of Union-wide chains.
2. Personal EU:
the essential words on the homepage europa.eu
the essential words on the homepage europa.eu
These two words on the home page of almost 500 million people would help make the page common in an instant.
Personal EU should be the umbrella over all citizen services, including the Personal EU TeamFinder.
3. Union-wide Personal EU Toolbox
To be resolved:
EU citizens' online services lack not only a unifying address space, but also a meaningful real opportunity for citizens to channel the time and enormous development capacity they constantly spend uninterestingly on social media into Union-wide personal interaction.
Correcting the situation would obviously create a new boost for the citizen her/himself and for the future of the cultural and economic prosperity of the entire Union.
The Union's Digital Decade 2030 goals even require decisive innovations in this area.
On the Union's homepage europa.eu a "Personal EU" button, which leads to the next set of services. One of them is the "Personal EU TeamFinder.
Registration with strong authentication for a new user .
After registration, directly to the team view, with one citizen from each EU country (from a few options) who has a net profile similar to yours (life values, hobbies, development ideas, hopes for internationalization) among the citizens of their own country in terms of online history.
The team is open and its window grid is both a video meeting view and a writing view.
Everyone can write/talk in their own window and reply to each other's windows.
Everyone can write in any language and see all writings in the language of their choice (Understander). So it's also an opportunity for a new kind of selective familiarization with new languages.
Teams can also report their theme results to other teams and to private or public sector levels connected to the Personal EU theme bank (Elevator).
Teams can select union-wide comparison online data from the growing data bank and AI (population, surface area, national animal, best Eurovision ranking...) and get the country-specific comparison data for everyone to see in their own window. (Comparer). A good help for opening Union-wide discussions.
The service is adapted for smartphones/tablets as well as computers and smart TVs (3viator).
A visual voting function where the team's detailed result for any common question is shown on a plus/minus scale. (Voter)
Banking function and distribution of shares, where team members can together buy the same product/service from the online service. Or sell together and get the agreed % share for yourself. (seller/buyer)
A common training section for all teams, which can organize both joint webinars and events in different parts of the Union. (Academy)
4. Digital @country.eu username when renewing our passports
To be resolved:
1. In practice, the European Union still does not have a common country-specific synchronized domain name, which obscures the understanding of the Union in the world, prevents valid Union-wide searches and e.g. makes it crucially difficult for the companies of Union citizens to form the necessary Union-wide networks of hobby, culture, startup entrepreneurs, maintenance, service and other activities in everyday life. With the right Union-level routing, the Union-wide country-specific discoverability of solutions and solvers and the probability of successful continuations as a result could be raised from haphazard raking to new, people's ideas and companies at the Digital Decade 2030 challenge level.
As an automatic extension of the physical EU passport, the digital network passport would offer EU citizens, even on a day-to-day basis, the opportunity to send only the brain to Union-wide matters, while the body can only go to one place at a time.
Every citizen of the European Union should receive the safe and open domain firstname.surname@country.eu at the latest when renewing their passport, which gives the opportunity to union-wide teamwork and to get the EU's enlightened search engines to find and offer up-to-date public information Union-wide (@all.eu) or more limited (@itfise.eu).
It would be reasonable to increase 30 times (3 to 90%) the number of users of EurID's .eu domain.
The reference budget for this and for achieving the 1st stage of the TeamFinder service could be 1–2 euros per EU citizen. Funding e.g. 50% EU, 50% member states and partners.
5. Personal EU route map for synchronizing collaboration
between society levels Political - Public - Private - Personal
between society levels Political - Public - Private - Personal
In this case, the personal level map is in the foreground.
It is also essential to consider how the route maps of the 3 other P-levels in the back look when synchronized with this one.
All Digital Decade ideas have not to be digital:
6. Personal EU Meetpoints:
The European Union on the corner square
The European Union on the corner square
Dear Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Madrid, Rome, Luxembourg, Warsaw, Lisbon, Athens, Ljubljana, Vilnius, Dublin, Valletta, Riga, Prague, Nicosia, Budapest, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Tallinn, Vienna, Bratislava, Stockholm, Bucharest, Sofia , Helsinki...
As one capital of the European Union, you could easily help the entire EU and its nearly 500 million citizens to find a completely new fascinating dimension in their lives by developing a Personal EU Meetpoint in one of the city squares.
The Europe of the future is increasingly an innovation society, where everyone can and will do things internationally - and still be proud of their own nationality. Personal EU is a concept where every citizen has a pleasant challenge to assemble a team of like-minded people representing all EU countries: Union-wide, lifelong and challenging personal interaction for everyone in the EU!
Of course, we urgently need a good European internet portal to find and manage our personal associations.
But your city can easily give the necessary moral support to the idea of Personal EU.
Right now you can quickly and cheaply do something important to speed up the process "manually". You only need 27 paving stones to do it! The abbreviation of one EU country on each stone - and the stones in a wide circle among the other street stones of the square.
People from different EU countries quickly understand the nature of Your Personal EU Meetpoint and activate themselves daily to find new and new friends from all over the EU.
One of the images above illustrates the idea of a Personal EU meeting point in your capital city. You may well come up with a square that suits the task even better.
The Finnish father of the idea, of course, hopes that Finland, inspired by the challenges of the network society, would be the first to set an example for all other EU capitals. Wait and see. Your city still has a great chance to be number one.
7. Your role combination
Personal EU thinking has many essential challenges for all members of the Union. For you too.
Whatever your role in society, your life is a collection of challenges. You should use them all for your benefit and common use.
Why? Because Personal EU is not a traditional organization of professionals or individuals.
Personal EU is a new kind of organization where everyone combines their resources.
The best way to do that is to gather around you your Personal EU team: someone like you, from up to all the countries of the Union.
Using your Personal EU brings a totally new view to your daily life.
The European union is not something strange and bureaucratic. It is your own personal union with someone like you from (up to) every EU country.
Your role today:
Understand the idea
Taste it
Express your interest
Be interactive
Your role tomorrow:
Find your unique team(s)
Be delighted with your Personal EU
Developing the Personal EU idea is a most challenging job to the collaboration of the best European ICT developers.
There is a strong social order for the Personal EU era, and there are at least enough Digital Decade opportunities to brilliant partial solutions.
The big challenge is a seamless collaboration between the most essential Personal EU developers and the ability to take steps in such order, that the Personal EU technology quickly leads to a successful pilot team phase and a continuously growing union-wide interest.
Your role today:
Understand the idea
Decide to be an essential part of it
Express your interest
Be interactive
Your role tomorrow:
Grow to a seamless collabotarion with the other Personal EU developers
Use your unique expertise towards a successful Personal EU era
Interactivity is the soul of a society. To earn an own union-wide society requires a little more interactivity from you, because team members are all in different countries, have their own home language, own surroundings. On the other hand just those things make an own Personal EU so exciting and challenging - and if you like, successful to everyone, too.
Personal EU is like a class in the school. A full EU team has lifelong learning union-wide challenges.The size of the team is about the same as you had in school. The Personal EU world is the real world. Your Personal EU team could have common contacts and businesses with persons all over the world. You can decide your worldwide challenge level and values. You can decide your environment and energy policy. You create an own open world and play it with your open rules.
On the way towards an general and optimal Personal EU team portal we all have to manually find the sympathy of brains, among existing friends and in different kinds of network user groups. By sending a simple friendly message and this link to a right forum is a good start to your Personal EU - and a continuing discussion about union-wide teams leads easily to a growing international friend gallery. Together you then decide the common and unique challenges of your Personal EU.
I wish you a successful interactivity in these and many other union-wide debates:
Should your union-wide or national favorite forum be found here? Please send the link and your greetings to the Personal EU group of Facebook and refer to this Interactivator page.
Investing in the Personal EU idea is investing in your union-wide success. You are making an investment in the unique richness of the European resources, which grow into an unforeseen success by cross-union cooperation of citizens in a very big scale.
Understanding the enormous benefits of the Personal EU era helps you now be among the early birds and concentrate your social, technical and financial resources to ensure the big scale success of challenging "union citizen" developments.
This is a cross-union and cross-society challenge, which means a need of a wide public-private collaboration and shareholders from many EU countries. What's more, this is a PPPP (Politic-Public-Private-Person) challenge, which requires research and development co-operation with the Commission and the EU Framework programs.
In the vision Personal EU is on the goal level a PPPP corporation with 500 million shares (one for every citizen of the union). Maybe 1/4 of the shares are paid by the union, 1/4 by the member states, 1/4 by the industry and 1/4 by the citizens themselves. And that vision is just the start level of a Personal EU era and its wide union/worldwide businesses.
Your role today
- Understand the idea
- Invest in it
- Concentrate your resources into union-wide Personal EU collaboration
Your role tomorrow:
- Be important to the Personal EU teams
- Be a part of the union-wide human-centric development programs
Strategy manager
As a strategic Personal EU development process manager you need a clear picture on the total thinking and how the pieces are connected to eachothers.
The idea is very simple: Persons are the base level of life in the union. To create the opportunity to a good Personal EU era for every citizen in the union, the EU programmes, and projects should be developed using union-wide person-centric "testbeds".
Every project member should have the challenge to collect his/her own team/class from similar project members in other EU countries.
Reports, analyzes, results and experiences should be collected to common data banks of the projects and programmes:
Developing the project subject would give a straight connection to development of the Personal EU team tool, too.
Big friendships are made from small friendly smiles - and big processes from small feedback, suggestions, tips, helps, participating... a network of recommenders, advocates who like the idea and will do much to help it.
On this site you can see early Union-wide reactions from early birds representing all union-wide information society levels and sections.
Time has changed since then - and made the Personal EU concept much more relevant than before: the proliferation of social networks, Brexit, the Covid pandemic,conflicts, AI... Right now, Europe needs the strong actors that are providing its "missing organizational level". Are you one of them? Is it now, isn't it?
8. Launching by investing €1-10/citizen
€1-10/citizen for "Tomorrow's Personal EU" (50% from the EU and the rest from member states, partners and citizens), should sound fair for first steps of the Personal EU TeamFinder, the TeamToolbox and for synchronizig ongoing other projects to the same direction.
However, the immediate benefit from the increase in popularity of the EU website would be many times over – even worth several euros.
9. Know the history: Plan 2003-2006
Sometimes good ideas are born too early - and there is no order title for them in the selection list yet. This is what happened to the Personal EU initiative in the early years of the millennium. The applause of information society experts from 17 EU countries, an online discussion group of interested parties from 50 countries, written statements of support from key parties, project applications from several countries and a preliminary decision on the selection of the EU presidency country as the information society theme eventually ran into the wall that the EU framework program at the time lacked the essential selection criterion for the project "union-wide civic action".
You can read the paragraphs containing project application material and defense statements from years ago at the end of this section. But in 2025, the time will be different, and citizens throughout the Union have, at the latest, in the pandemic years and due to the power struggles of neighboring countries, in more and more important turns, emerged as trendsetters and accelerators of constructive decisions for the states and the entire Union.
Today, the Personal EU idea, more current and relevant than ever, approaches its development in another way, with the classic Plan B.